Thursday, October 15, 2009


I wasn't able to grasp what everlasting love is,but dang God exercises it everyday on us. We aren't worthy. Why and How does God continually love us? That is a mystery that I'm glad I don't understand because it shows us more of God's power. Praise God for his love that is new every morning. Every morning I still hear God's voice calling me." Come follow me and you shall see." If God is calling you please do not forsake his call. He deserves everything from you. He loves you even before the foundations of the Earth he planned our salvation in Christ. This is everlasting love. Come to him please.

1 comment:

  1. haaay ej! it's nice seeing that some of our generation has kids who are incessantly hungry for God despite the corrupt circumstances. i really admire that about you! stay strong =) i will see you around.
