Tuesday, January 19, 2010
changing heart.
I'm going to be very honest. This fact saddened my heart very much. When I had heard about Haiti, I did not wince in pain or compassion. I am selfish and prideful. I have not been following Philippians 2:3-4 I look at people around me who's hearts are heavy with sorrow for these people. I didn't get it. I guess I wanted to feel compassion for them, but I couldn't feel genuine compassion for them. I couldn't force myself. So I prayed. I prayed for the Holy Spirit to humble me. I researched some more about the earthquake... I saw a video. I saw people who looked paralyzed and bleeding. I saw some people yelling. I saw people holding each other because it was all they had. It all of a sudden became a reality that this really happened. What made it more shocking to me is that these are PEOPLE. People who were created in God's image just like me. I deserve that earthquake just as much as them. I don't want just a heavy heart, but as my friend said we need to act not just sit and let our bodies decay. I can't just sit at home comfortable with my ESV bible praying for myself. These people need Christ. They need hope. Some may even curse God's name, because they don't know the hope that Christ gives. I still have a lot of heart softening to go, but I praise God for his intentionality with the Holy Spirit. The people of Haiti are people like me. People who have suffered more than me. People who definitely need Christ like me. God soften my heart so that I can embrace them and mourn with them. Help me to let your name be known so that we may all praise you in the midst of suffering. Thank you Christ for what you accomplished. Change my heart and mold me like your Son.
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wow, praise God for your humility and honesty in these posts. i am constantly encouraged by your enthusiasm to know and grow in Christ, young edward. im praying for ya, press on, little brother.