Sunday, May 31, 2009

End of School

School is pretty much over and i feel unaccomplished. I praise God because i think that God is trying to show me that i must decrease and to fill that void that i just created by decreasing myself by increasing Him. Pray that i use my Summer productively to grow and prepare for High School and for evangelism opportunties. Another thing I want to use this Summer for is to pray that God will increase my faith so that I can use my life more effectively and lovingly for God. For those who are reading this and are Christian i pray that you will also be able to use your summer to prepare yourself for another year of school. TAKE ALL YOUR CHANCES TO EVANGELISE, and be loving in your efforts to bring others to Christ.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Great Book

If Alex Hong reads this he might like it.

I just found a good book and its changing my life.If you are looking for a good read, look for Battling Unbelief by John Piper. I've been reading alot of John Piper lately, but i really enjoy his insights and encouraging words hes a really good writer/pastor/teacher.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Past

The Past
Do you remember your first day inside of Suzanne Middle School’s grounds, and all of the feelings you got after those first steps, sights, and sounds. Whether those feelings were happiness or dread you began a legacy at school. You began a story that would not be just about you, but how you changed each other at school. I don’t know if you know this or not, but our lives are being challenged to change every single day. They are affected by family, friends, teachers, the internet, and even TV. Similarly we were changed by our long days at Suzanne Middle School. Whenever we got a fantastic grade on a test we were changed; whenever we were disappointed with a D on a homework assignment we were changed. Spending time with our friends after school changed us too. All the laughs we shared and friends we made will remain in our memories for the rest of our lives. We as students need to cherish these past events. These memories and encounters we’ve had with each other are like secret gifts that we take for granted. All of these encounters we experience affect us internally. It causes us to see things from new perspectives which help us to define who we are in the future. Creating friendships that helped turn us into the people we are now; having family that helped comfort us when problems arose in our lives; Listening to teachers that showed us how to achieve goals that seem so distant impossible were all things that helped create who you are. It doesn’t matter if we were changed in a good way or a bad way we just have to press on and thank God for our memories. Pierce Harris from the Atlanta Journal says “Memory is a child walking along a seashore. You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things.” The past at middle school was like us in our infant days. We were fed food by our teachers; we learned how to stand up on our own after countless falls; we learned how to walk forward with confidence. Suzanne was our baby crib for us to grow into stronger people who will overcome the trials and hardships of High School. I urge you class of 2009 to not forget about each other and the experiences we share because our life isn’t slowing down and it’s going to keep speeding by. Dr. Seuss says “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go.” We are no longer infants; we will now start having to make the “hard choices” in life. We have been prepared to face the world, and we will keep being prepared to face the world. So look back on our days at Suzanne and say” thank you for everything you gave me” and walk into a new chapter of your life.

Thanks kristine,kearney,ayesha,and other people for helping me write this speech. HOPEFULLY I GET PICKED BY SCHOOL!!!!?!?!!??!?! but please pray for me that i get picked cuz i really want to do this now

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


deaar oh deaar. i think i might do promo speech i dont know what to write about people who read this please give me suggestions in comment box. AAAAAHHHHHHHH scaaared


testing sucked. lol i forgot alot of stuff. it was funny becuz i went throught the first half of the tests and i was just man this is so easy im gonna get a hundred percent... then the second half of the test rolled in and ....... yeaaah. but praise God that i was able to finish and still understand the test. overall i think i did well. schools almost over and i'm gonna go to high school. kid years are officially gone