Thursday, October 15, 2009


I wasn't able to grasp what everlasting love is,but dang God exercises it everyday on us. We aren't worthy. Why and How does God continually love us? That is a mystery that I'm glad I don't understand because it shows us more of God's power. Praise God for his love that is new every morning. Every morning I still hear God's voice calling me." Come follow me and you shall see." If God is calling you please do not forsake his call. He deserves everything from you. He loves you even before the foundations of the Earth he planned our salvation in Christ. This is everlasting love. Come to him please.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Our Love vs. God's Love

Ding ding ding.

Alrighty now Let us introduce our two Fighters.

In the left corner we have Our Love weighing in at a measly 67 pounds wearing raggedy shorts and pillows for gloves.... IN OUR right corner we have God's Love weighing in at ..... hey...the scale just broke.... wearing GOLDEN/ BLINDING WHITE SHORTS.

Our Love
Do you know what love is? Well lets think for a second. Isn't it that sentimental feeling you have for a girl or a boy. Isn't it that warm and fuzzy emotion engraved into our heart. Isn't it what marriages and dating is all about. This is but a small and inaccurate view of love. This is our modern day society's view on love. Our heart may think it knows what love is,but in fact it is deceived very easily. Have you ever thought that a boy or girl was "the one", or liked a person a lot only to be disappointed and left with a broken,scarred heart. In this instance your heart was deceived. It was tricked into believing that it knew love. Our love fails to see things the way God does. It constantly tries to say that it is the "real deal", but if you dig deeper you would see that love in our society is trying to find that "fuzzy" feeling or that status with other people. If you look EVEN closer you would realize that you are just trying to exalt yourself. Our love is a disgusting and ultimately condemning love.

God's Love
I think Frederick M. Lehman describes God's love very well. Wh
y don't you read it?

"The Love of God"

The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell
It goes beyond the highest star
And reaches to the lowest hell
The guilty pair, bowed down with care
God gave His Son to win
His erring child He reconciled
And pardoned from his sin

Could we with ink the ocean fill
And were the skies of parchment made
Were every stalk on earth a quill
And every man a scribe by trade

To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry
Nor could the scroll contain the whol
Though stretched from sky to sky

O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure
The saints' and angels' song

Does this show you enough of God's love? I don't think so. To show you even more. Let me take you back 2000 years ago when God demonstrated his love. God came down from Heaven lived a perfect life as Jesus as 100% man and 100% God and did something that changed your life, my life, and everybody else's life. He shook his head in loving pity at our poor excuse of love and to add on to it took our disgusting sins. What he did with the sins was incredible. This was love. He took the sins and blamed it on himself. Jesus bore the infinite wrath of a Holy,Just, and Powerful God. NOT only did he bore the wrath, but the perfect life he lived was given to us as an exchange for our sins. This is INTENSE love,but even as I speak God still works. What the heck is what I thought at first. How the heck is God still working?God is working in us Christians life as well. Even when we sin over and over and over and over and over and over and over again he repeatedly forgives and forgets our sins. He constantly says to me " E.J. it is alright I am still your father.I have forgiven you son. Come back to me E.J. Don't lose sight of me. Come. RUN TO MY ARMS" This is what God says to us EVERYDAY! Even to those who do not believe this message God exercises love on you. He holds you up with his righteous right hand and by the word of his power. He wants to turn your dead soul into a living breathing creature that yearns for him. And once he starts the work in you, He finishes.

So to Christians please do not lose sight of God's faithfulness. Remember His ETERNAL and PERFECT love. Don't think no one understands you. JESUS UNDERSTANDS! HE WAS A HUMAN TOO. Keep your eyes on him. Run to him. Be joyful in him.

For non- beleivers please rethink your view. If you have felt empty. If you have ever yearned for someone to really love you I beg you to turn to God. God will satisfy. Nothing on this Earth will satisfy you fully except God.